Oscar Garcia

Do you want to communicate effectively?

Did you know that one of the biggest challenges in communication is that only 50% of what we say is actually heard?
After that, only 50% of what was heard will be understood, and of that information, only 50% will be remembered.

Let’s put this into a practical example: if you have a 1-hour conversation, only 30 minutes of it will be truly heard, 15 minutes will be understood, and just 7.5 minutes will be remembered.

So, if you really want someone to understand what you’re trying to communicate, take a few seconds to reflect on the following:

  1. What do I want to achieve from this conversation?
  2. Am I using simple, easy-to-understand language?
  3. Is the environment free from distractions?

Asking yourself these simple questions can significantly increase the chances that your message will be received, processed, and understood.

What do you think? Let me know through the contact form